Longhorn Natural Long Cut (American Moist Snuff/Dip) - Review. 23 March 2022.

I've recently started reviewing American moist snuff/dip products here to mix things up a bit.  Mainly, because we don't see new snus products coming out much anymore, and it gives me something to do when I get the itch for a new tobacco product.  This is a product by Pinkerton Tobacco, which is owned by Swedish Match.  I mostly use Swedish Match snus, and I know their high quality standards, so I feel safer using this one than any other brand.  Also, they say they use some form of pasteurization with their products:  "The tobacco leaves are heated with steam so that when the stems are removed the leaf is not damaged".  Pasteurization keeps TSNA levels low, so I feel better using something like this over other American dip products.  I'm still a snus guy, but I do like to mix it up and review other stuff here from time to time.

Product Details
Description:  "Tobacco.  Simple, and satisfying."
Can Contents:  1.2oz, or 34.02g
Nicotine Strength:  13.8mg/g (via a source online)
Tobacco Content:  The can says "At least 65% US Tobacco".

When it comes to American products, I'm more of a natural or straight guy; I enjoy the taste of good tobacco.  When I open the can, I pick up wood up front.  It's mostly hickory, but I notice some oak, too.  The tobacco character is present, and slightly sweet, with some smokiness in the background.  The tobacco is semi-moist, and I find it pretty easy to pack in the lip.  In the flavor, like the aroma, I notice the wood up front.  It's mostly hickory, but I seem to notice a dab of oak in there.  The tobacco is right behind it, and it comes through in an earthy, semi-sweet way.  In terms of strength, it feels to be about the regular level.  The flavor hovers around for about 50 to 55 minutes, on average.

Rating and Final Thoughts

I rated this one at 3.62/5.  These days, everything new seems to be either mint, or tobacco-free.  So, it's nice to enjoy a good, quality product with a rich tobacco taste.  I was pretty impressed with this one.  But, generally, anything Swedish Match is something I'd consider to be good.  If you like the tobacco taste, this would be a good one to check out!  While I'm a snus guy and don't plan on switching, I don't mind reaching for something like this on occasion to mix things up!

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